Thought Process
"We knew the girls were really women in disguise, that they understood love, and even death, and that our job was merely to create the noise that seemed to fascinate them." - The Virgin Suicides
about me
Denise Chang, Illegal eighteen, currently rocking and rolling around, trying to find my own identity. Loves Chelsea, Justin Timberlake and the finer things in life (; Formspring Twitter Tumblr Facebook
#25 Defying Gravity


It's the 4th day of CNY, and I'm staying home today. The past few days have been absolute bliss. My dad won RM600 from my crazy uncle who bet RM300 in one round and had to pay double coz my dad won the round. I won about RM40 in total, meh. Sam and I have calculated, and we've both collected about RM900+ each this year. The most in my whole fishing life :)

Anyway, I went to Sunway with papa yesterday and he was in a huge shopping mood and ended buying 2 things for me, both above RM100 :D Then I met up with mum, and we had Nandos for dinner before going off to my mum's best friend's mother's funeral service *phew.

Auntie PG has been my mum's friend since she was 18, I think, and her daughter Marissa has been my friend for a really long time too. It's been ages since we last hung out, so I was glad to see her at the service. I've always been a fan of her brother, Mahzrin who is 20 this year, 6"1 and too fishing handsome. All the aunties there were swooning at him, no joke. Anyway, after the service, we all wanted to go catch a movie but my mum was tired so we went for a drink at some mamak. I had fun talking to both of them, and Mahzrin is so down to earth although he's so hot. He even asked me for girl advice, haha :D

Today is a lazy day, so I've been pretty much just reading blogs and stalking Facebook friends. I even reread a few of my old blogs which are supposed to be deleted (heh). I realize how differently I blog now. I used to write tons of things and post lots of pictures. Even with my D-SLR now, I don't know why I'm too lazy to post pictures. I should start doing that hey.

My laptop is with dad now, I hope he doesn't have to reformat it to fix it. That's my life he's talking about :/

Currently listening to : I Love You 5 by NeverShoutNever!

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