Thought Process
"We knew the girls were really women in disguise, that they understood love, and even death, and that our job was merely to create the noise that seemed to fascinate them." - The Virgin Suicides
about me
Denise Chang, Illegal eighteen, currently rocking and rolling around, trying to find my own identity. Loves Chelsea, Justin Timberlake and the finer things in life (; Formspring Twitter Tumblr Facebook
#19 Take It Home


It's been pretty boring around here lately. Sam and I went to Taronga Zoo, hung out with a French dude there, and touched a wombat :D Sam went home about two days ago, so I've been pretty much staying home.

As I've been tweeting lately, I lost my glasses at the beach. Knowing how blind I am without them, I stupidly wore them when I was in the sea, and a frickin' huge wave simply washed my glasses off my face as I was 2 feet under it. We notified the lifeguards and honestly, there isn't much hope of me ever getting it back. I went to the optician nearby, and found out that I can't do an instant test to find out my power (I like that word, powerrr) but instead it takes up to 10 working days or some shit. I wasn't paying attention as soon as I heard the word "$200" for a frickin' eye test.

So I was walking around blindly for 2 days, then Bel borrowed her friend's old glasses for me but the power was too low and it just made me even dizzier and plus I didn't want to risk destroying my eyes :O But then my mum, my lifesaver (as always) had contacted the IFS (google it) of the next flight to Sydney from KL and handed him some contact lens she bought for only RM30 (sooo much better than $200 for a stupid eye test). I was never able to wear contact lenses, I've tried, trust me. But I knew it was my own fault for losing my glasses and so I just had to bear with it. the first day I got em', I tried but phailed. But today! I managed to get them in, praise the heavens for I can finally see! It doesn't solve the astigmatism problem that I have but who cares anyway, double vision only vhat. I'm just looking forward to going home and getting a new pair of glasses. My old ones were 4 years old btw, mind you. Now I'm just wondering how I'm gonna get the contacts out..

My laptop is still refusing to function. I went to a Cafe that had wi-fi for $2 (about RM6.50!) an hour earlier today, but in order to use the internet, I have to order something first. So I went for a flat white coffee (which was so-so) for $3.50. I asked about the wi-fi after I got my coffee and boo frickin' hoo their server was kaput. OH EM GEE why does this shit always always always happen to me? Yeah so what if the logical thing to do was inquire about the wi-fi first, I didn't, so serves me right lah? Pfffffft.
The truth is, I'm glad that my laptop wasn't connecting to the wi-fi at home (which is the only problem with it) coz I'll only be online the whole time if it did. But now that Sam's gone home, I hardly go out and there's nothing at home to do other than walk the dog and do housework! Not that I'm complaining, it's just that I wish I could download my songs or update my twitter without using someone else's laptop. I'm thinking it might be my laptop's network adaptor that isn't working which really really sucks.

I've abandoned my Aussie blog, I know, I'm just too lazy. I will though, I promise. Just give me time. xx, Denise.

Currently listening to : Take It Home by The White Tie Affair

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