Thought Process
"We knew the girls were really women in disguise, that they understood love, and even death, and that our job was merely to create the noise that seemed to fascinate them." - The Virgin Suicides
about me
Denise Chang, Illegal eighteen, currently rocking and rolling around, trying to find my own identity. Loves Chelsea, Justin Timberlake and the finer things in life (; Formspring Twitter Tumblr Facebook
#17 Nine Times Out of Ten


It's been over an hour that it's 2010 here in Sydney, and I watched the fireworks from the park near my cousin's place. I must say, I wasn't exactly breath-taken with the view, probably because I couldn't see much, and that I felt pretty lonely without closer friends and family. Yeah, I had family (sister and cousin) there but it just didn't feel right. But everyone's tweeting that the fireworks in Sydney are the best ever so err.. haha yeah.

I'm going to be 18 in about 7 months. I'm quite disappointed that I can't finish this sentence.

"At 17, I'm good at/a good..."

I feel like I haven't accomplished anything throughout my whole life. It's frightening and saddening, truthfully. It's not that I want to be all a negative ned during New Year's but it's just a really huge reality check for me. I think it's safe to say that I don't really know who I am yet.

PS : I really wish I was watching lousy fireworks at the Curve with my family or friends rather than watching awesome ones without them.

Currently listening to : Party All The Time by The Black Eyed Peas

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