Thought Process
"We knew the girls were really women in disguise, that they understood love, and even death, and that our job was merely to create the noise that seemed to fascinate them." - The Virgin Suicides
about me
Denise Chang, Illegal eighteen, currently rocking and rolling around, trying to find my own identity. Loves Chelsea, Justin Timberlake and the finer things in life (; Formspring Twitter Tumblr Facebook
#23 Cause I'm still here breathing now.

Hey hello,

Chinese New Year is close, I've done my shopping for the new year. I bought a traditional Chinese thing top, I'm not sure what it's called, but yeah. It's been years since I last wore something like that for Chinese New Year. Other than that, I've pretty much burned a hole in daddy's pocket buying clothes. I'm going for this black denim jacket for college that I saw in Forever 21. It's not really high fashion or whatever, I just feel like wearing something normal for a change. HAHA. Oh and I'm looking for a new handbag. Hehhh.

Today I went to Sunway, alone. So I asked Haris to come over. We walked around aimlessly and pretty much joked and laughed the whole day. Watched The Spy Next Door, and the cinema was mostly empty so the both of us were practically taking up 3 seats each. And with Haris's mega long legs, takde hal for him lah. HAHA. I laughed like fucking cow through the whole movie but Haris didn't seem to mind, so yeah, heh. I had fun today, I should do this more often ;)

I'm going for a 5 hour course for on driving tmrw, how exciting ._. Just can't wait to get it over with lah. Everyone, and I mean eeeeeeveryone seems to have their L license already, but me. Pfft. Mama says I can drive either her MyVi or Saga but hey, I don't mind, as long as I have a car :p

So yeah, life has been pretty darn awesome, so no complaints.

Currently listening to : Through the Trees by Low Shoulder

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