Thought Process
"We knew the girls were really women in disguise, that they understood love, and even death, and that our job was merely to create the noise that seemed to fascinate them." - The Virgin Suicides
about me
Denise Chang, Illegal eighteen, currently rocking and rolling around, trying to find my own identity. Loves Chelsea, Justin Timberlake and the finer things in life (; Formspring Twitter Tumblr Facebook
#12 Big lights will inspire you

Its 2 in the afternoon, and I just woke up 5 minutes ago. I'm supposed to pack clothes for a night, get ready, and be at SMKDU by 5. Dang. And here I am blogging.

I mean, getting ready is no problem, I can be done in half an hour. But it's PROM. I made a huuuge mistake by buying Seventeen and looking at SMKDJ's prom pictures. Now I feel so...incomplete. My heels are so plain, my dress in kinda informal compared to anything those girls wore and I don't even plan on applying make-up! Fuuuuccckkkk.

I'm also considering bringing my new camera. Should I? Haha. Knowing me, I'd prolly put it somewhere and forget about it :/

Okeangs, I really have to start getting ready. Maybe I'll ask mum to help me with make-up. Um. Haha.

Currently listening to : I Kissed A Girl by Katy Perry
