Thought Process
"We knew the girls were really women in disguise, that they understood love, and even death, and that our job was merely to create the noise that seemed to fascinate them." - The Virgin Suicides
about me
Denise Chang, Illegal eighteen, currently rocking and rolling around, trying to find my own identity. Loves Chelsea, Justin Timberlake and the finer things in life (; Formspring Twitter Tumblr Facebook
#1 Do you know the muffin man?

So it's finally over! As I promised, I've officially started my new blog. Yes. New. Again. Haha. This is my fifth blog since 2005 I think? I'm not sure. I've lost count. Heeh.

ANYWAY. SPM is over! No more high school bitchezzz! ROOAAARRR UGABAGA SHAA SHAA! Haha okay, ignore that. I was just expressing my joy :D

Truthfully, I know I could have done better. The thing is, all my studying was so abso-fucking-lutely last minute. Like one-day-before-reading-all-chapters kind of last minute. But then again, I think I did okay. Definitely no 10A+ though, but that's okay.

I'm currently actually unbelieveably surprisingly looking forward to my Australia trip. Yeah, the 6-week one. SHOOOPINGG! I'm so going to make my dad regret sending me there muahahahah :D Beaches, clothes, AUSSIE BOYS, the sea, sun and surf! Are you jealous or vhat? Mmm, I'm leaving on the 21st, so girls, if you want anything, let me know before then okeangs?

The shit part about this freedom is the housework -.- I have to begin with my study table which isn't really a study table but functions as a book-n-paper dump. It's like Mount Everest, I tell you. So yeah, gotta jet. Will blog maybe tonight! Tatas.

Love, Denise.

Currently listening to : Do You Remember by Jay Sean
